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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stay Fit, Stay Healthy For Happy Living

Fitness and good health are two correlated stuffs we need for happy living. Everybody needs to live a fit and healthy life for happy life. How would a person be happy if he or she is suffering from an ailment? Or how would an obese be comfortable in mingling with others? These two questions will give us an idea why we need to stay fit and healthy to achieve a happy living. 

We must admit that, to a large extent, we as individuals are responsible of what we do to our body and what we intake. As much as I want to live a happy life, you too want to live a happy living. How can it be possible though? Staying fit and healthy to achieve a happy living can be very easy if self-discipline and motivation is being observed. I will present in this article, some simple ways to follow to achieve happy living through staying fit and healthy:

1.    Observe a healthy eating habit- Through having a healthy eating habit our body organs will function properly to the an optimal level. Eating proper and nutritious food will keep you from being easily sick.
2.    Do a regular exercise- Regular exercises like jogging in the morning will do to help your body to function well. Chooses an exercise that will be best for you and do not exceed to your limits, you know your capacity. Too much of everything is dangerous.
3.    Build a relationship with others- Healthy relationships with everyone in the society will help you live a stress free life. Be kind, tactful and sincere to others. Know your limits too; give them space if they need.
4.    Be relaxed- With your busy days, avoid too much indulging in your work. Take some sufficient rest if you need and relax. This will clear your mind from the stresses in your work.
5.    Drink plenty of water- As the experts say drinking plenty of water each day will eliminate toxins and other undesirable elements in your body. Water can be a good therapy and it promotes well-being.
6.    Learn to laugh- Do not take life too seriously, you won’t enjoy. Crack some jokes in the right time, this will help relieve stress. Do not be too affected by the stressors that bumped your way.

Living a happy life entails living a fit and healthy body, mind and soul.